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Colour Kristina Talks Podcast for Hairdressers

Apr 19, 2021

Do you struggle with hair colour correction consultations and knowing what to quote for large jobs? It’s difficult to know how to quote for profit when taking on large jobs. 

Learn my exact approach for colour correction consultations and quoting for profit in this episode of the Colour Kristina Talks Podcast.

The key themes discussed in this podcast episode are:

  1.  Consultation is key! Colour Correction Consultations are best done prior to committing to a booking allocation.
  2. There are some clients and situations to avoid when you see red flags with colour correction requests (learn how to avoid unreasonable clients with unrealistic expectations)

  3. There are 3 options for charging clients for colour corrections are - hourly, packages, and quote for each technique. We discuss the pros and cons of each scenario.


SHOW NOTES of this episode and resources mentioned in the interview